How to Freeze Avocado


- Ripe avocados

- Small cookie scoop

- Gallon-sized Ziploc freezer bags


1. Peel the avocados and remove the pits.

2. Mash the avocados until smooth.

3. Using a small cookie scoop, portion the mashed avocado onto a baking sheet or flat tray.

4. Place the tray in the freezer and let the avocado freeze for several hours until solid.

5. Once frozen, transfer the avocado portions to a gallon-sized Ziploc bag.

6. Seal the bag tightly and store it in the freezer for later use.


- Do not add anything to the mashed avocado. There is no need to add lemon juice or any preservatives.

- Frozen avocado retains its green color and does not turn brown.

- Frozen avocado can be used in various recipes such as smoothies, toast, or dips.